Sep 192016

Successful ‘A’ Track Applicant Announced

Horse Racing Alberta Board of Directors today announce that Century Casinos Europe GmbH is the successful applicant to own, build and operate an “A” Track Horse Racing Facility in the Edmonton market area and will move forward in the Licensing process.

Century Casinos have proven experience in both gaming and horse racing and will bring that experience, strength and success to the Edmonton area Race Track Facility project.

Horse Racing Alberta again thanks all applicants that participated in the EOI and RFP process, submitting their visions for the Edmonton racing market area and the Horse Racing and Breeding Industry in Alberta.

The Board of Directors of Horse Racing Alberta extend their appreciation to the External Review Committee for the in depth analysis of the applications throughout the process.

We again express our thanks to the horse racing and breeding participants as well as the industry fans for their patience through this extensive process.

For any inquiries with Century Casinos please contact Paul Ryneveld, who may be reached at (403) 585-4810 or at

For any inquiries with Horse Racing Alberta contact Shirley McClellan at (780) 415-5475 or at


Edmonton Sun – Jones: New track in good hands with Century Casinos Inc., running horse racing

Edmonton Journal – Stock – New Edmonton-area horse-racing track to be built near airport by Century Casinos

  One Response to “Successful ‘A’ Track Applicant Announced”


    Congratulations to CENTURY CASINO for the successful RFP bid, that has left a bitter taste in the mouth of the RIVER CREE proposal group.

    With the recent horse sale showing a 40% decline in average to $7.4k from the previous $11.4 k / 2015 average confidence in the future of horse racing needs a major confidence rebuilding plan that is today lacking from the present HRA governance model!

    The CAPTAIN in his presentation to council spoke of a 3 year business plan, has anyone seen it or is it being used for filler on the bottom of a bird cage?

    NORTHLANDS/REID admit to a $9.2 million loss with the arena move downtown, and $3 million loss in EXPO CENTRE operations, with a recent poll showing that 57% favour a change in governance with a possible down sizing of operations, where will the millions of required barn repairs to duct tape the facility until fall 2018? come from, possibly mushroom grow operations in the barn areas?

    HBPA has a tough job in convincing the OLD MONEY the back bone of owners group to hang in for another 2 years, with declining equine population and backstretch workers leaving, will the confines of LEDUC/NISKU reap new rewards for the industry, only time will tell?

    CONGRATULATIONS to FOR CASH Vermillion fractional ownership group with about 20 in the picture with combining operations reducing the crowd from the usual 60, and Frank/Nicky for the recent speed to spare win. Hopefully, the COSTCO COORS LIGHT 60 packs made it the backstretch safely.

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