Jun 072017
Sal says that with a title like that he’s starting to sound like Yogi and we’re not talking Booboo’s buddy.
While Sal was gleaning through Phil’s dogged eared archives looking for Belmont stories from the NY Times that Phil always commented made the 2 weeks before Belmont Phil’s favourite reading time Sal came across a stack of Northlands Park programs where Sal dug up a couple of interviews with then still wet behind the ears and now just barely past Executive Director / Manager of Alberta HBPA Mat Monaco.
If you come to a fork in the road, take it.
Yogi Berra
Sal says that Phil wasn’t hallucinating as the NY times used to have a section entitled the The rail blogs, but if you can find it today please let Sal know.
Here’s a sample:
Some of you may be old enough to remember when Northlands Park had Scott Haskins writing articles in their program and in other written media.
Although he claims to not know the future the HBPA Director knew what he was saying back then and it’s eerily prescient.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
Dr. Seuss
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