Feb 272021
Horse Racing Alberta Governance Extended
Horse Racing Alberta Governance
APC Reference Number: AB-2021-00221
All references to the RFP closing date and time of February 26, 2021 will be deleted and replaced with:
“March 05, 2021 at 14:01:00 Alberta Time”
2 Responses to “Horse Racing Alberta Governance Extended”
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Is anyone at Horse Racing Alberta qualified for this opportunity.
TORY pork belly feed trough finally ends!
Horse industry participants who have had the Klein security blanket from the government coffers for the past 25 years better realize that it’s pulled!
Harsh reality of the present economics is hitting hard as tough decisions have to be made with a debt of %100+ billion!
HBPA puts out a memo about proper paddock attire. What about a memo that a drastic HRA governance change was occurring. Horsemen informed ???? Simple solution ask Allen to resign!! Bring back Mat for some push-back!!
Clark Kent states that HRA has sufficient funds even without slots. Mucka calls BS! 85% revenue derived from slots. The contract golden handshakes will be for HRA management. Horsemen will be told, don’t let the barn door hit you in the ass on the way out !!
Send Minister TOEWS a message about our sweat equity, collect your worst tattered saddle cloths as a sign of solidarity!