Jan 272022

The Track on 2 Inc. o/a The Track on 2 Horse Racing & Event Centre

Legal Description: Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 992 0636;Pt. SW 23-40-27-W4M  Lacombe County

The application was in Step 3 of a 4 Step application process – Community Support and Background Check

On January 26, 2022, the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission (AGLC) Board decided that the application process should not proceed to Step 4 (Construction and Licensing).

AGLC – Pending Gaming Facility Applications

The Track on 2

The Track on 2 – Track on 2 to Host UCP Derby Day!

Phil has a question:

Did AGLC just give Jason Kenney and the UCP a schooling on how decisions should be made non politically despite some rather questionable tactics.

Burman University

BYU – Doig and Stone – The Alberta Settlement

  One Response to “The Track on 2 REC Licence Not Approved”

  1. The fake news reports about the reasons for track 2 rec license denial must be quashed. Here are report findings per AGLC correspondence

    1. AGLC considerable costs up to 480k in network installation costs $$$$
    2. Significant cannibalization 56% of proposed gaming revenues and resulting impact to gaming operators in Red Deer
    3. Negative impact to local charities about 5% per year
    4. Substantial impact to viability of proposed Bear Hills casino / Wetaskiwin

    The powers to be which are many, didn’t do their due diligence like AGLC did.

    UCP reduction of red tape and streamlining REC applications in a AGLC bulletin of Feb 4/2021 ,sidestepping the moratorium of new operations, basically failed to pass the smell test since the facts outweighed the b’s!

    The correspondence has been passed to a respected backstretch board member of HBPA for confirmation and vertification.

    HRA success of $2000 fee for tribunal appeals, must have reached the upper UCP caucus with $150 traffic ticket appeal fee, with has been fortunately delayed. The sham job 400k governance costs didn’t it have a sewage vacuum provision to drain the swamp of the total incompetence of management.

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