141 over 10k earnings
29 between 8-10k
52 between 6-8k
267 less than 6k
HASTINGS PARK woes show a shocking 323 starters
ASD show a strong 498 starters
HRA marketing efforts to fulfill their mandate of promoting horse racing, couldn’t even muster up a media day for the derby, ministerial file generated.
HBPA advertises two $1k prize draw and $2 vouchers for the first 200 post secondary students Sunday Sept 17,strange way to drive handle maybe slots!
CENTURY DOWNS hopefully posts this in their facebook website,ironic that they have a sports radio setup but mile total lack of effort, couldn’t muster up anything other than a in house presentation for the derby.
Congratulations ROD CONE for achieving 10 million in career training purses.
RICO WALCOTT generating rides at wdb with 21 wins and over 900k in purses
141 over 10k earnings
29 between 8-10k
52 between 6-8k
267 less than 6k
HASTINGS PARK woes show a shocking 323 starters
ASD show a strong 498 starters
HRA marketing efforts to fulfill their mandate of promoting horse racing, couldn’t even muster up a media day for the derby, ministerial file generated.
HBPA advertises two $1k prize draw and $2 vouchers for the first 200 post secondary students Sunday Sept 17,strange way to drive handle maybe slots!
CENTURY DOWNS hopefully posts this in their facebook website,ironic that they have a sports radio setup but mile total lack of effort, couldn’t muster up anything other than a in house presentation for the derby.
Congratulations ROD CONE for achieving 10 million in career training purses.
RICO WALCOTT generating rides at wdb with 21 wins and over 900k in purses