Oct 282024

2023 Horse Racing Alberta Annual Report

  One Response to “2023 Horse Racing Alberta Annual Report Finally Released”

  1. EUREKA under terms of HRA ACT 10.2 it was tabled by the minister as it is the first day of fall legislative sitting per tabling provisions.

    CLARK KENT HRA CEO gets a 26k increase from 214 to 240k ~+10%
    CFO/DCS only 7.2k increase, lot of injury/sick days taken
    STEVIE MCQUEEN gets a minuscule $60 raise, I guess men rule,bs
    NON RACETRACK MANAGERS all 27! 750k to 1174k a increase of 425k
    UNDERTAKER RAISE not disclosed, I guess price of windex/coffee increased
    All found on page 25, a 400k governance study leads to 500 k increase

    CENTURY MILE up. 2.75 mi
    CAMROSE CASINO receivership after relocation approved, could be a saving grace with 1.5 to 3 million reduction in hra mile revenue per century avoided

    ALBERTA HANDLE 81.8 from 85 mil, a miniminal 3.2 mil decrease
    2024 handle down 80k daily mile and 90k at downs, since century does not disclose meet totals and undertaker gets his rumoured 120k,for doing squat

    TENILE as a final gesture to horse racing did get CHRIS MCGREGOR into the ALBERTA SPORTS OF FAME, as her board position ended in May

    DAVID JACKSON as chief of staff for MINISTER NALLY has been emailed to get the hra annual report posted in the main frame, currently under 3 field search about/documents/Annual report cc to Clark Kent and silent

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